Baron lost himself to booze two weeks after he promised never to drink alcohol as long as he's in Kuya's abode. And this time, his fellow housemates were helpless to stop him from making a fool of himself. Spurred by his drunken state, he confronted Big Brother about feeling unloved by everyone in his household. Unfortunately for him, he didn't took the chance to calm down when Big Brother advised that he should simply sleep through his depression for whatever reason he has. Outside, the boys grew concerned especially Will who noticed that Baron's already disgracing himself in front of everyone. In a cool manner, he tried to sweet talk him to end his outrageous behavior. But Baron was beyond comprehension by then for he even threatened to hurt Will. Big Brother interceded though as he called the pasaway actor back to the confession room. This time, Baron heatedly opposed being locked in the secret room for he didn't want to miss an opportunity to be merry with the other housemates. His next statements were more damaging though for he kept on cursing Big Brother and his boarders including Mariel.
Big Brother merely waited until after Christmas day to bestow his ultimate punishment to Baron. But with the resident psychiatrist's recommendation, he first required Baron to undergo a group therapy with the rest of the housemates after showing them the video of his drunken behavior in the confession room. Clearly, everyone was shocked with his destructive words. Mariel was so hurt because she had been so tolerant and caring of him yet he still doubted her attitude towards him. On the other hand, Gaby was really pissed as she walked out in the middle of their discussion. The latter couldn't believe that Baron still harbored a grudge against her despite the talk they've had after a previous misunderstanding. As it happens, Baron cited it as one of the reasons why he felt miserable and left out that fateful night.
Now that he's clear-headed though, he merely repeated the regrets he had uttered before. What he failed to remember is the fact that the housemates have been supported of him ever since. After all that happened, they even comforted him while making him realize his faults. Sadly, Big Brother's patience ran out for he officially castigated him with a forced eviction, which Baron readily accepted. He knew that his actions called for it so he merely asked for Big Brother's forgiveness. He explained that the vulgar words he uttered were meant for himself for the personal issues that he's having a hard time to solve. But all Kuya was prepared to give him is a reminder that greater temptation awaits in the outside world. Hence, he hoped that Baron would find the courage to change not only for himself but for the sake of his family and the people who love him.
Who will follow him next for the upcoming eviction this Saturday night? The much-awaited Celebrity Big Four will soon take their rightful place.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Baron Geisler, Forced Evicted
Posted by Blogtopia at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Baron got drunk again
Baking a carrot walnut cake proved to be a long and tedious task which required strong hands for kneading the fondant dough and a quick mind to remember all the steps and ingredients to make a "perfect creation" for Ruben's wedding day. Everyone was engrossed with the activity and more so when they finally decorated it with fondant flower icings for the finishing touches. The next hours were restful though as they leisurely spent their free time chatting in small groups or playing chess. But by midnight, Mariel asked Ethel to fix herself for she felt that something's up. True enough, Big Brother gathered them in the living room to show a video of Baron's drunken behavior the other night.
As seen on PBB Primetime, Baron defied Big Brother's order not to drink booze since his last wild display of himself, which a lot of viewers frowned upon. At first, he was drunk in a good way for he was praising the good deeds of Jon, Will and Riza in the garden. Things went out of control though when he started to give Mariel the creeps with his long, hard stares and the events that followed. He claimed that he wanted to sleep by the pool and even asked Mariel to join him. Then he was also seen eating spaghetti in a messy manner. Will tried to stop his foolishness but he backed off to dissuade a fight between them.After the viewing tonight, Ethel explained to Baron that he alone can solve his drinking problem. "I feel bad na hindi kita na-monitor. Pareho tayo ng problema. Babaeng version mo lang ako." It was only through her sheer will and support of her trusted friend did she manage to reduce her addiction to booze, the sexy comedienne shared. She further revealed that she even has a stash of alcohol in the girls bedroom. But then she didn't dare down it all for her own sake. Baron is showing signs of regret but does he really mean it this time? Will Big Brother forgive him easily after he disobeyed his rule despite his warnings? What punishment awaits the rebellious actor?
Posted by Blogtopia at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Baron is in denial
Baron refused to behave himself for he was deaf to Big Brother's reprimands. As such, Will, Ruben and Jon were assigned to sober him up by joining him in the secret room. They were explaining to him the reason why they were there when the Wild Child sneaked past the door. Still, his crazy protests to be freed were unheard. What he did next was quite repulsive though for he dangled his own briefs to the camera then his head. With that, Big Brother finally gave him one stick of cigarette on the condition that he would take his sleep right after smoking it. Just when everyone thought he was clear-headed at last, Baron lighted his cigarette on the storage room and continued his outrageous behavior. Ruben got really annoyed with his actions but the Komedyanteng Promdi thankfully got hold of his feelings.
The next morning, the Wild Child was in denial of his disgraceful manners. He claimed that he couldn't remember anything that happened anymore for he was totally smashed with the alcohol he'd consumed. Luckily for him, the girls were easily forgive his transgressions and treated the whole thing as a fun experience. However, Big Brother's all-knowing cameras recorded every shameful act he made. And the video of which was shown to him so he would hopefully realize the mistake of downing too much long island and something even stronger than that. He himself was disgusted with his actions to the point that he was denying any responsibility of all that kissing and touching. Only then did he grasp how naughty he can be when drunk.
PBB Host Toni Gonzaga that the show sends its apologies to viewers who were appalled by this spectacle. She emphasized that Big Brother didn't merely revealed this on TV for entertainment but he also wanted people to learn from Baron's experience. For the Wild Child sincerely regretted making a fool of himself. "Pakiramdam ko nabura lahat ng magandang ginawa ko. I'll make it up to you guys, sa mga tao sa labas, sa mom ko, kay kuya Donnie. Sorry talaga. Ampanget-panget talaga."Big Brother accepted his humble admission of his mistakes. But of course, Baron still has to prove his sincerity.
Technorati : Baron Geisler, Jon Avilla, News, Ruben Gonzaga, Will Devaughn
Posted by Blogtopia at 12:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, News
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Baron gets wild!
There's a reason why liquor companies warn people to drink moderately and Baron's wild antics during the housemates beach clubbing experience says it all. Initially, Big Brother brought the raving atmosphere of Bora in his abode to match Ethel's winning summer outfit. Fruit shakes and juices were first served to them. But eventually, they were treated to an unlimited supply of alcohol mixed by a pro bartender whom the Wild Child recognized from his regular drinking sprees.
But what was supposed to be a wholesome party turned into a distasteful one because of Baron's outrageous behavior. In the course of their partying, his inhibitions flew out of his head, making him more aggressive towards the girls. He kept kissing them and at one point, it seemed he even felt Ethel's breasts! Though they were tolerant of his naughtiness, Big Brother put his foot down and detained him in the confession room. As it was, the Wild Child had too much to drink for he downed successive glasses of hard alcohol. And obviously, his insolent language towards Big Brother proved that he was not fit to be in his housemates company anymore.But he should have known better than that because Big Brother had his word that he won't do anything foolish. At the time, he even requested for cigarettes, which Big Brother turned down. In spite of this, Baron pestered Joel to share his stash, putting the bartender in a difficult spot. Gaby interceded though by bringing his pack of cigarettes in the confession room to take it far from her drunken housemate's reach. What she failed to see was Baron's sneaky moves towards the improvised bar when Joel took his break.
What other punishment awaits the Wild Child for being true to his nick name?
Posted by Blogtopia at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Friday, November 23, 2007
There's no going back...
Seeing housemates leave the big yellow house is always a tearful moment, how much more when they go with such heavy emotions against Big Brother? However, we now see how Mcoy and Ethel have felt it in their hearts that the time for them to go was looming way before the fiery incident which led to their sudden exit.
Ever since, the Ultimate Pasaway was having doubts to be a housemate because she's burdened by her rocky relationship with his boyfriend. And not being given her much-awaited reward from the Catapult game made her more resolute to leave, thinking that she can still fix things with the love of her life. But sadly, Big Brother can't grant the phone call because that person simply doesn't want to be reached.
On the other hand, the Musikerong Daddy also conveyed to Big Brother his plans not to finish the season for the sake of the more deserving contenders for the Big Four. One particular one-on-one talk further showed how he felt that his purpose inside was completed already. He even stressed this while he was packing his bags last Wednesday night.
It all then ended bitterly with Mcoy and Ethel making their departure as soon as the garden gates were opened for them. The impact of their absence made everyone miserable, knowing how those two served as their tower of strength day by day. Yayo for instance was confused, stating that having their buttons pushed to the very limit was simply the rule of the game.
They would certainly miss their favorite housemates but life went on as usual the next day. Seeing that the Mom in Distress still favored the painful knee contraptions, the others eventually followed suit, encouraged by her optimism that at least they would get busy with it for the rest of the day.
Baron's adventures with his newfound friend "Buttons" was also featured tonight! Being in the secret room alone was certainly lonesome so Big Brother generously gave him a stuffed toy as company! True to his nature though, the Wild Child requested for a cigarette but his plea remained unanswered for he couldn't give a valid reason to gain such luxury.
Wondering what Big Brother's fabulous welcome surprise to him was? Be sure to catch up all the excitement in the house as well as the showing of their successful indie film tomorrow. How will the celebrity housemates feel when they learn that Mariel is leaving them soon?
Technorati : Baron Geisler, Ethel Booba, Mcoy Fundales, News
Posted by Blogtopia at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Housemates build Kuya's tower
Taking a break from their demanding short film weekly task and last night's heartstopping exit of Mcoy and Ethel, our celebrity housemates played a little fun game provided by Big Brother. For this challenge, the housemates must put together the pieces of two Globe Asiatique miniature towers. They were only given half a minute to construct all the parts of the two miniature towers. The parts have small light bulbs, all interconnected to a plug. The housemates will know that all parts are perfectly in place if the two towers entirely light up.
After putting on their black GA construction costume, the housemates started piecing together all the parts of the miniature. Although each part looked simple, everyone had a hard time figuring out which one should be placed at the base and what part should go next. The wiring connection was also tricky as some parts lighted up upon the switch while the other parts failed to light up. But in the end, our "resident builders" successfully presented to Big Brother their architecture, although the whole job took more time than what was expected.
However, unknown to the housemates, one of their ex-mates was in the next room and is taking on the same project. While awaiting judgement inside the secret room, Baron's also ordered to build one GA miniature tower. Admiringly, the Wild Child was able to piece together all the parts on his own much faster than the other housemates all together. But both to Baron and the other housemates, the mystery still remained on the true reason behind this task.
Technorati : Baron Geisler, Housemates, News
Posted by Blogtopia at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Baron gets a second chance
Despite his seeming immaturity, Baron proves to the whole world the depth of love he is capable of giving for the sake of his family. Tonight, we have glimpsed again how the Geisler brothers solidly bonded inside the secret room despite the struggle they went through. The Wild Child's heartwarming admission of his own flaws, his pride for Donnie and his ability to be selfless somehow made up for his blunders for it showed his determination to rise above himself when given the chance. As soon as Donnie left him though, Big Brother explained that he may still get the opportunity to shine brighter. Hence, he went back to his hideout, leaving his fate to the public's decision.
But the siblings were not the only ones who were overcome with swirling emotions last night. The rest of the housemates were also burdened by a meaningful sacrifice that they were not made privy with. More than Mariel, it was Ethel who bravely refused to suffer further for something she doesn't even understand. It was merely another test from Big Brother but he eventually confided the worthy cause behind it. Still, the Ultimate Pasaway stood by her claim that she wouldn't do it anymore.
Much later, the housemates happily welcomed Donnie back, excitedly updating him on what he missed out since he left with Baron the other night. Mcoy recounted how he got offended as an artist after his written script was questioned by Big Brother. As he listed off his other grievances regarding the matter, he was suddenly called in the confession room for a heart-to-heart talk.
There he reasoned out that he was just stating his opinions. But Big Brother seemed to be offended with what he heard outside, insisting that the Musikerong Daddy could have easily went to him to clear the clouds of doubt between them. Ultimately, he said that he also wanted to reassure himself that their project is not an adaptation of the book "Ghosts of August" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. With that, Mcoy apologized for the misunderstanding since he was merely stressing the fact that they are trying their best to succeed one of his challenges again.
What happens next however was certainly unexpected. After sharing what transpired between them with the group, he went livid for being cut short while he was still explaining himself to Big Brother. Apparently, he felt disrespected after their exchange which led to his own abrupt decision to leave the big yellow house. Ethel followed suit, claiming that she's done waiting for her 'phone call reward' and dealing with the mystery that surrounded their tasks and even Mariel's reason to be there with them.
PBB Host Toni Gonzaga seals the latest drama surrounding the celebrity housemates by confirming that the Ultimate Pasaway and the Musikerong Daddy have truly made their voluntary exit! This sad news however is coupled with Baron's return as a housemate after the landslide result of the viewers's votes for him to be saved, a total of 91.69%. In the meantime, how will the housemates face Big Brother's challenges without Mcoy, their leader? And what will they think now that Baron is still a housemate after all? Can he prove that he is really a changed man this time? .
Posted by Blogtopia at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Geisler Brotherhood At Its Best
The 24-hour limit reaches its conclusion tonight, signaling the moment of truth between Baron and Donnie's pressing decision to make. Their mom Mrs. Grace Geisler, who's with PBB host Toni Gonzaga tonight, shares that she's equally distressed towards the tough spot they are in. Though we all know that Donnie usually gives in to his brother, she claims that either of her children have the capacity to be selfless in this case. And she's right.
Way before this crucial point, Big Brother threshed things out with them in turns. For Baron, he believed that he already served his purpose by showing who he really is to the whole world. At the same time, he felt that it would be less damage for himself if he goes now. On the other hand, Donnie was confident that he can make it to the Big Four. I know what to do para walang masabi ang housemates. I know what it takes to get to the top.
When they finally got the chance to speak with each other though, the Good Brother explains that staying inside the big yellow house is Baron's chance to shine brighter and to show everyone that he can handle things on his own. Ultimately, Donnie wants his family to be happy, Do you wanna go back to do that pwede-na-buhay? Ayoko na ng pwede na bro, he insists. Then the Pasaway Actor calls for a hug to seal the heartwarming moment.
Unbeknownst to Donnie, Baron completely understands what he's trying to tell him. Perhaps, he shocks the whole viewers with his unselfish revelation about his ultimate goal in joining the most famous reality show in the land not for himself but for Donnie to have a better life. In spite of his personal desire to stay, the Wild Child makes the greatest sacrifice tonight! Tears ran down his face during his heart-to-heart conversation with Big Brother at six-o'clock this evening.
To give them a final morale booster, Big Brother surprises the two with a 100-second encounter with their mother. Mrs. Geisler quickly assures them that everything is alright, leaving it to them to come up with their final decision. Right after she leaves the confession room, Big Brother bestows the responsibility to choose to Baron for a change. And there it goes. Donnie returns alone as a housemate.
However, Barron is not evicted yet! Big Brother gives the viewers the privilege to raise their voice whether you want him in or out.
Posted by Blogtopia at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, News, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Two-in-one No More!
Perhaps the day of the week made a whole lot of difference in this make-believe eviction, making it easier for the housemates to passively accept their fate from the moment they heard the heart-stopping news in Uber leading to tonight's episode. First, Toni Gonzaga revealed a hilariously empty Eviction Hall before checking out on Riza, Jon, Baron and Donnie. But instead of seeing agony in their eyes, all four seem to be in high spirits. At the same time, each of them similarly claims that they are ready for anything. The English Outcast even quips, "Medyo chaka ang feeling."
Then the next thing we see is how Baron asked Big Brother's permission to date Mariel. And it turns out that it was the reason behind his selfless sacrifice yesterday to keep the whole house spic and span! What's more surprising however is his decision to offer his hard-earned privilege to Jon, explaining that it was very obvious that Mariel likes the latter a lot. "Mukhang malabo kuya. Wala akong nakikitang magic from her", he reasons out. More than that however, he is happier to see the floors in its polished glory. Ultimately, he treats it as a good deed done for his beloved housemates.
Unbeknownst to him, his ability to sacrifice will be put to a great test twenty four hours from now. Riza is first to step down from the danger block tonight followed by Jon, leaving the Geislers in a tough spot. Relief seems to flood their whole being after being kept in suspense for so long. Mariel on the other hand becomes emotional as she bids the two her last farewell. Then they immediately make their way out. There they learn from Toni that they are yet to hear the full details of their sudden exit from Big Brother himself.
Back on the confession room through a secret entry, Big Brother reveals the most shocking news this season. After five weeks in the big yellow house, he finally breaks the 2-in-1 set-up, which he merely created to see how far their brotherhood will take them despite their complicated status. The two has yet to absorb that they are not really evicted when another twist is landed upon them. Though they can now fully get hold of their respective identities, only one of them can return as housemate! They are given 24 hours to reach a common decision without speaking to each other until Big Brother allows them to do so.
Will Donnie give way to Baron like he always does? Or will Baron choose his brother to fight for the two of them? Who will go back alone by tomorrow and how will the housemates react once they see one of them again?
Posted by Blogtopia at 12:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Pay Back Time For The Violators
Many times now Big Brother had reminded his residents regarding pay back time for their respective violations. But he was determined to keep everyone in suspense as he reveals their punishment one by one. As mentioned before, Baron started to carry a bench last night that will hopefully teach him not to oversleep again. He even requested for a wider one to keep from falling off it when he's deep in slumber.
Tonight, the next on the list were Mcoy and Victor. As it is, they forgot to use a stirrer when they fixed their drinks last Sunday. You will recall that the Lonely Dreamboy even hid his glass under the table to muffle the sound. But of course, he didn't escape Big Brother's eye for justice. As such, they have to wear matching attires which mirrored the striped design of a stirrer. And whenever "IyugyogMo" is played, they are forced to shake their booties together with the music!
Then another violator was punished after some time. It was like seeing G.I. Jane in the flesh when Riza suddenly came out of the storage room wearing a sexy military outfit! And her responsibility is to make sure that Baron's bangko is latched on his back at all times. She even had a rifle to go with her costume! The others tried to pry out of her the reason of her ordeal but she remained mum about it, thinking perhaps that she can't afford another penalty at the moment.
Posted by Blogtopia at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Monday, November 5, 2007
Donnie and Baron Rule As Heads of Household
Apart from reigning supreme in taekwondo competitions, Donnie had also admitted his liking for extreme sports. That's why there's no stopping this sporty dude from winning any competition, even the swinging battle for the Head of Household title. Donnie scored a perfect ten in the Pendulum Bowling challenge and shared the HOH pride with his brother Baron, who stayed in the sidelines to serve as a scorer. The Geisler brothers will be enjoying the regular HOH privileges, but this time, there will be an extra movie date and spa menu. But how can Donnie and Baron be HOH when they are both nominated this week?
Although the Geisler's are nominated for this week's eviction, they were allowed by Big Brother to compete in the game together with the other nominees. But Kuya cleared that in the event that a nominee wins as HOH, and the HOH gets evicted at the end of this week, the runner up of the game will take over as HOH. In Kuya's version of bowling, each of the housemates were given the chance to ride the large pendulum ball. They had three chances to swing the pendelum to knock down as many human pins as they can, the total numbers of which will be equivalent to the final scores. For the human pins, it was very difficult to keep their balance once the ball hits them because of the huge and constricting pin costume. For the player, on the other hand, sitting on the swinging ball caused pressure on their thighs.
In his second attempt, Donnie eliminated nine human pins, with Yayo the only housemate left standing. But Donnie succeded in knocking the Mommy in Distress down, and he topped the scoreboard with his perfect ten record. In the end, the final scoring declared Donnie in first place, Gaby and Yayo tied at second, and Jon in third. Baron jumped for joy for his older brother's victory, especially when Big Brother confirmed that the Pasaway Actor will share the HOH title with Donnie.
Posted by Blogtopia at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Baron, Donnie, Will, and Ruben failed in their goblet pyramid task
This morning, Big Brother ordered another task that tested our housemates' patience, teamwork, and strategy. In the activity area, Baron, Donnie, Will, and Ruben must work together in building a pyramid using crystal water goblets. But the twist in this task was that they must the pyramid on an unstable beam and the pyramid must stand for at least 10 minutes.
Ruben and Baron took charge of building the pyramid, but the difficult part was that they have inflatable buoys on their body which kept them from moving freely. Meanwhile, Donnie and Will stood on the each sides of the wooden beam placed on top of a tin drum. Donnie and Will must work with one another in keeping the beam as steady as they can while Ruben and Baron placed the goblet pyramid.
During the task, the pyramid fell down several times, and this almost pushed Baron off the edge of his patience. Good thing Ruben always reminded his mates that they can do the task for as long as they stick together. On the other hand, Donnie and Will felt the strain on their legs as they tried to keep their feet on the unstable beam. But after several minutes of painstakingly trying to build the balanced goblet pyramid, Kuya called off the task, and the four guys left the activity area in disappointment. Nevertheless, they assured each other that they all gave their best shot to make the pyramid work.
Posted by Blogtopia at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Friday, November 2, 2007
Goodbye dad...
On All Souls Day, Big Brother found a way for some of his residents to ease the pain of losing the chance to be with their loved ones when they passed away from this world. Through the fax machine, he sent blank obituaries for Baron, Donni, Victor and Riza to as part of the symbolic ritual of letting go that they were about to do.
At the same time, they were given some time to do artworks in remembrance of the deceased's legacy to them, which they later presented to the housemates.
Baron and Donnie's rite involved dropping their message-in-a-bottle by the river. In their case, they were both busy with a taping and a Taekwondo competition in Japan when their father died of multiple organ failure. Though the Wild Child consistently visited his remains on the columbarium, he confessed that he goes there drunk most of the time. As such, this was the only time he was sober as he paid his respects to him.
Posted by Blogtopia at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Monday, October 29, 2007
Highest pointer on the nomination block with 10 votes
With his House Boy task this week, Baron revealed his real attitude towards chores which irked most of his housemates. Baron was also a little too brash on his comments, careless in giving out opinions and even offended some of the other celebrities.
Will even called him bastos and inconsiderate. They have now discovered that the Geisler brothers are on the extremes Donnie is the gentleman while Baron definitely lives up to his moniker, the Wild Child. Will the two in one housemates survive this week or will they meet the unfortunate fate of the 26K ladies too?
Posted by Blogtopia at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2
Friday, October 19, 2007
Baron "The Wild Child" Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Housemate #7
ABS CBN, video Introduction of Baron Geisler, as he enter the Big brother House, tag as "The Wild Child"
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Posted by Blogtopia at 3:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, PBB Housemates, PBB News, Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition 2, Video
Baron Geisler Profile
- Real Name: Baron Frederick Von Geisler
- Nickname: Baron
- Origin: Pampanga
- Age: 25
- Birth date: June 5
- Place of Birth: Clark Air Base, AngelesCity
- Nationality: German-Filipino
- Occupation:Actor
- Sports: Boxing, Taekwondo and Badminton
- Hidden Ambition: To be a rock star
- Claim to Fame: His role as Fonzy on hit teen drama Tabing Ilog
- Charity:K.I.D.S. Foundation
Educational Background
- Elementary: na
- High School: na
- College: na
Baron Geisler is an actor and former teen idol. He was profiled as being previously addicted to alcohol and was involved in numerous brawls. One of those brawls, in fact, left him with two visible scars on his left cheek. Now sober, he aims to try his best to be good son and brother.
- Baron Geisler was also one of the cast in "Ang TV 2 (Teen).
- Baron Geisler was one of the cast in Tabing Ilog(riverside) on early 2000's and his role as Alfonso 'Fonzy' Ledesma.
- Played on Celebrity Mob Members(Game 4) in the show of Mr. Edu Manzano as 1 VS. 100.
- With his German father working in the military and his Bicolana mother a strict disciplinarian, Baron grew up in a pretty conservative family. But one wonders why this excellent actor one day wound up in the middle of a bar rumble and eventually signed up in a detox facility.
- Baron entered show business in 1994 through the phenomenal teen show Ang TV. A year later, he became officially a part of ABS-CBN's roster of rising homegrown talents being launched as a member of the elite Star Circle Batch 5. He was considered as one of the network most promising young stars alongside John Lloyd Cruz and Marc Solis in the boy trio Koolits. From then on, his movie and TV career blossomed and was best known as the wacky and easy-going Fonzy in the series Tabing Ilog.
- Even though he won the 2005 PMPC Best Single Performance of an Actor in Maalaala Mo Kaya,Baron's career started to decline in 2002 when he turned to alcohol to kill the pain after his father demise. Plus, Baron's house caught fire twice in a row and lost the love of his life to another man. He also resented the fact that his career lagged behind his contemporaries and this made his drinking even worse. His mother had no other option but to send him in a detox facility for 10 days. Inside the facility, he decided to put his life back on track. However, he was again the headline on various tabloids just this May, after getting involved in a bar scuffle that left scars on his face.
- Baron knows that he has a problem and he feels that he'll be able to transform himself inside Big Brother's house. Sawa na ako. I'm shaping up. Slowly yet surely Ito na ang pagbabago na hinahanap ko... Marami pa akong pwedeng gawin sa buhay.
Posted by Blogtopia at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baron Geisler, Profile